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DocumentationReferenceconfig.json options

Details of all options available in config.json

When adding a new app to runtipi, you need to create a config.json file in the app’s folder. This file contains all the information needed to run the app. Below you can find all the options available in the config.json file.

OptionDescriptionExample valueRequired
nameName of the appNextcloudyes
idThis should be the same name as the foldernextcloudyes
availableIf set to false, the app will not be available in the app storetrueyes
short_descShort description of the appNextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services.yes
authorThe GitHub name of the authorhttps://nextcloud.comyes
portPort used by the app. This port will be exposed to the host.8100yes
categoriesOne or more categories for the app[“utilities”, “network”]yes
descriptionLong description of the appNextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. Nextcloud is free and open-source, which means that anyone is allowed to install and operate it on their own private server devices.yes
tipi_versionAlways 1 if you are adding a new app. Increment this number if you are updating an existing app1yes
versionThe actual version of the app (not the Runtipi version)1.25.1yes
sourceLink for git repository
websiteLink to the official websitehttps://nextcloud.comno
exposableIf set to true, the app will allow the user to expose it via a domain name.trueyes
force_exposeIf set to true, the app will require a domain name.trueno
generate_vapid_keysIf set to true, the app will generate VAPID keys for web push notifications. VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY and VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY will be available as environment variablestrueno
url_suffixIf set, the app will be accessible at https://<your-domain>/<url_suffix>my-appno
httpsIf set to true, the app will be accessible via https only.trueno
no_guiSet to true for apps with no GUI. Open button will be hiddentrueno
supported_architecturesIf the app is only available for a specific architecture, you can specify it here. If not given, app will be available for all architectures[“arm64”, “amd64”]yes
uid, gidThese parameters allow you to give a specific set of permission for the app’s data folder. Runtipi will automatically chown the data directory with the provided gid and uid. Both options need to be specified in order to apply1000no
form_fielsForm fields allow you to promt the user for input during the install, like a username or a passwordSee belowyes
dynamicUse the new docker-compose.json to dynamically generate a compose file. See Dynamic Composetrueno
deprecatedIf the app is deprecated it won’t exist in the app store and it will notify users that is no longer maintained.falseno
min_tipi_versionAn app may require a newer version of Runtipi than you already have for some extra featurev3.0.0no
created_atThe date the app was created. You can use new Date().getTime() in your browser console to get the current timestamp1724134938430no
updated_atThe date the app was last updated. You can use new Date().getTime() in your browser console to get the current timestamp1724134938430no
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