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DocumentationGuidesAuto backup your apps using cron

Auto backup your apps using cron

In this guide we will show you how to automate backing up all your apps every week, month or day using Runtipi’s new backup feature.

Thanks a lot to Lancelot-Enguerrand for putting this script together.


This script requires Runtipi verion v3.5.0 or above.


Create the backup script

Create a new script file (.sh extension) in the runtipi/scripts folder (if the folder doesn’t exist you can create it manually) called and paste the following code:

#!/bin/bash # Usage: ./ [daily|weekly|monthly] [stop|ignore] [path/to/BackupListFile] # Default parameters are daily stop # Specify your Runtipi base path tipiPath="" # Storage path for the Apps (each app have a folder inside) backupPath="$tipiPath/backups" # Specify backup retention - Indicate number of backup file to keep for each schedule dailyRetention=3 weeklyRetention=3 monthlyRetention=3 # Default Runtipi paths appsDataPath="$tipiPath/app-data" appsPath="$tipiPath/apps" userConfigsPath="$tipiPath/user-config" # Define the temporary directory for the archive creation archiveCreatingWorkDir="/tmp" # App status - Set defaut value to prevent bug - do not touch appOrginalStatus='started' # Check for Runtipi path value if [ -z "$tipiPath" ]; then echo "Runtipi path not specified" echo "Edit path, line 6 in $0" exit 1 elif [ -d "$tipiPath" ]; then echo "Runtipi path : $tipiPath" else echo "Runtipi path not found : $tipiPath" echo "Edit path, line 6 in $0" exit 1 fi # Default Parameters backupTypeDefaultValue='daily' stopAppDefaultValue='stop' backupListDefaultValue=$(ls $appsDataPath) # Define retention policy backupType="${1:-$backupTypeDefaultValue}" # Change keepLast to adjust retention policy case "$backupType" in daily) keepLast=$dailyRetention ;; weekly) keepLast=$weeklyRetention ;; monthly) keepLast=$monthlyRetention ;; *) echo "Invalid backup type specified. Use 'daily', 'weekly' or 'monthly'." exit 2 ;; esac # Should Apps be stopped during backup stopApp="${2:-$stopAppDefaultValue}" # Should Apps be stopped during backup refBackupList=$3 if [ -z "$refBackupList" ]; then backupList=$backupListDefaultValue elif [ -f "$refBackupList" ]; then backupList=$(cat $refBackupList) else echo "Invalid path for backup list reference file." exit 3 fi # List all installed apps for app in $(ls $appsPath) do # List all apps in backup reference list for element in $backupList do # Check if app is installed if [ "$app" = "$element" ]; then # Stop the app if it was asked if [ "$stopApp" = 'stop' ]; then cd $tipiPath appStatusCheck=$(docker ps -f name=^/$app$ -q) if [ -z "$appStatusCheck" ]; then appOrginalStatus='stopped' echo "App $app is already stopped" else appOrginalStatus='started' echo "Stopping $app" ./runtipi-cli app stop $app fi fi echo "Preparing $app backup" # Set destination app path backupAppPath="$backupPath/$app" # Create destination directory if doesnt exist if [ ! -d "$backupAppPath" ]; then mkdir -p "$backupAppPath"; fi # Generate archive name backupFileName="$app-$backupType-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').tar.gz" # Uncomment next line if you want the archive to be created directly in backup destination ## archiveCreatingWorkDir="$backupAppPath" # Move to Working Directory for archive creation cd $archiveCreatingWorkDir # Declare source and destination path for directories in archive declare -A app_paths=( ["$appsPath/$app"]="app" ["$appsDataPath/$app"]="app-data" ["$userConfigsPath/$app"]="user-config" ) echo "Preparing $app files" tempArchiveDir=$(mktemp -d) for src in "${!app_paths[@]}"; do dest="$tempArchiveDir/${app_paths[$src]}" echo $dest # Ensure the directory exists if [ -d "$src" ]; then # Create symbolic link for each directory ln -s "$src" "$dest" else echo "Directory $src does not exist, skipped." fi done # Creating archive echo "Creating $app archive : $backupFileName" tar -czhf "$backupFileName" -C "$tempArchiveDir" . # Move archive to Backup storage echo "Moving $backupFileName to $backupAppPath" mv "$backupFileName" "$backupAppPath" # Remove temporary Directory echo "Removing temporary files" rm -rf "$tempArchiveDir" # Purge old backups of the same type cd "$backupAppPath" echo "Purging old $backupType backup for $app" ls -t | grep "$app-$backupType-" | tail -n +$((keepLast+1)) | xargs -r rm -- # Restart the app if it was asked to be stopped if [ "$stopApp" = 'stop' -a "$appOrginalStatus" = 'started' ]; then cd $tipiPath echo "Starting $app" ./runtipi-cli app start $app fi fi done done

The script takes 3 arguments:

Accepted ValuesDescriptionDefaultRequired
monthly,weekly,dailySet the name of the final backup, for example if you use daily the backup name will be myapp-daily-date.tar.gzdailyno
stop,ignoreStop the app before backing up or backup anyway.stopno
pathSpecify a path to a file describing what apps you want to backup, each app id in a new line.noneno

The script also allows you to change for how long you want to keep backups, this can be configured by chaning the following values:

dailyRetention=3 weeklyRetention=3 monthlyRetention=3

Each number indicates the retention period for the backup, specifying how many cycles it should be kept before deletion. For instance, a daily backup will be deleted after 3 days, while a monthly backup will be deleted after 3 months etc.

Make sure to change the tipiPath in the script to point to your actual Runtipi path.

Make the script executable

In order for cron to run the script we need to make it executable, this can easily be done with the following command:

chmod +x

Make sure you are in the runtipi/scripts directory before running the command above.

Add the script to cron

Now it’s time to add our script to crontab. We firstly need to open the crontab file using this command:

sudo crontab -e

Then we can add our crontab line, in this example we will backup our apps every Monday at 10 p.m.

0 22 * * 0 /path/to/runtipi/scripts/ weekly

After adding our line we can save and exit and that’s it! Now your apps will backup automatically!

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