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DocumentationContributingRunning locally

Running locally

In this guide we will show you how to run Runtipi locally on your machine. This is useful if you want to contribute to the project or if you want to test new apps you added to the appstore.



Once you have forked the repository and cloned it on your local machine you can start to prepare the environment.

Install dependencies

runtipi uses pnpm as a package manager and monorepo orchestrator. Install it with npm i -g pnpm

Install the project dependencies pnpm i

Edit the environment variables

You need to copy .env.example to .env and edit there following env

  • ROOT_FOLDER_HOST change to put your root folder of runtipi
  • RUNTIPI_APP_DATA_PATH change to put your app data folder of runtipi

Run runtipi

  1. Start the app with npm run start:dev from the root folder
  2. Visit localhost in your browser

Using your own appstore repository

You can change the repository Runtipi is using to retrieve the appstore in order to test new apps you added.

Create a settings.json file in the state folder (runtipi/state/settings.json) containing the URL of your repository and restart runtipi.

{ "appsRepoUrl": "" }

If you need to be on a different branch than the main one in your repository, write your repository URL using the following notation :

{ "appsRepoUrl": "" }

Alternatively, you can go in the repository directory cd ./repos/<generated-id> and checkout your branch.

git checkout mybranch
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